$value) { $abbc_tags[$key]['level'] = 0; $abbc_tags[$key]['start'] = array(); // get the longest tag and stop looking for a "=" or "]" after $max_taglen characters // add 1 for the ending tag's preceeding "/" if (strlen($key) + 1 > $abbc_max_taglen) $abbc_max_taglen = strlen($key) + 1; } // prepare smileys $abbc_smiley_starts = ""; $abbc_smiley_count = sizeof($abbc_smileys); for ($n = 0; $n < $abbc_smiley_count; $n++) { // get the first character of this smiley and store it, it it isn't already there $start = $abbc_smileys[$n]['code']{0}; if (strpos($abbc_smiley_starts, $start) === false) $abbc_smiley_starts .= $start; $abbc_smileys[$n]['code_len'] = strlen($abbc_smileys[$n]['code']); if ($abbc_smileys[$n]['code_len'] > $abbc_max_smileylen) $abbc_max_smileylen = $abbc_smileys[$n]['code_len']; } } abbc_init(); // this is used for debug output purposes. // if you don't use debug output, you can delete this function. // /*function t2h($text) { $text = str_replace("&", "&", $text); $text = str_replace("<", "<", $text); $text = str_replace(">", ">", $text); $text = str_replace("\n", "\\n", $text); $text = str_replace("\r", "\\r", $text); return $text; }*/ function abbc_proc($text, $gebruiker = false, $check = false, $totext = false) { // debug messages: to activate debug output, remove the comment right below $dbg = false; #$dbg = " "; // word border characters, only used for SPECIAL syntax and SMILEYs // I haven't checked whether it causes problems when changing this $wb = " \t.,!\(\)?+\-\n\r"; global $abbc_scan, $abbc_tagstack; global $abbc_tags, $abbc_smileys; global $abbc_smiley_count; global $abbc_max_taglen, $abbc_max_smileylen, $abbc_smiley_starts; // set custom colors for PHP syntax highlighting global $abbc_cfg; if ($abbc_cfg['use_custom_php']) { ini_set("highlight.comment", $abbc_cfg['php_comment']); ini_set("highlight.default", $abbc_cfg['php_default']); ini_set("highlight.html", $abbc_cfg['php_html']); ini_set("highlight.keyword", $abbc_cfg['php_keyword']); ini_set("highlight.string", $abbc_cfg['php_string']); } $minimum = ($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_MINIMUM); // ABBC_SPECIAL already done? global $abbc_special_done; $abbc_special_done = false; if ($minimum) $text = str_replace("\r", "", $text); // add a new-line at the beginning and ensure there's one at the end // some reg-exps need this to match the first character $text = "\r" . $text; if (substr($text, strlen($text) - 1) != "\r") $text .= "\r"; // simple formatting: italic, bold, underlined, striked if ($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_SPECIAL) { $text = str_replace("//", "//", $text); $text = str_replace("°°", "°*", $text); $text = str_replace("__", "__", $text); $text = str_replace("~~", "~~", $text); $text = preg_replace("/([$wb])\/([^*$wb]([^\/\n]|\/[^$wb])*[^*$wb])\/([$wb])/", "$1[i]$2[/i]$4", $text); $text = preg_replace("/([$wb])°([^$wb]([^°\n]|°[^$wb])*)°([$wb])/", "$1[b]$2[/b]$4", $text); $text = preg_replace("/([$wb])_([^$wb]([^_\n]|_[^$wb])*)_([$wb])/", "$1[u]$2[/u]$4", $text); $text = preg_replace("/([$wb])~([^$wb]([^~\n]|~[^$wb])*)~([$wb])/", "$1[s]$2[/s]$4", $text); $text = str_replace("~~", "~~", $text); $text = str_replace("__", "__", $text); $text = str_replace("°*", "°°", $text); $text = str_replace("//", "//", $text); $text = preg_replace("/\n[ \t]*----+[ \t]*\n/", "\n[line=#808080]\n", $text); $abbc_special_done = true; } // quoting blocks if (($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_SPECIAL) && ($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_QUOTE)) { #$text = str_replace("\"|\n", "\"|", $text); // remove new-line after end of quoting $text = preg_replace("/([$wb])\|\"/", "$1[quote]", $text); $text = preg_replace("/\"\|([$wb])/", "[/quote]$1", $text); } // 1ST PASS MAIN LOOP $abbc_tagstack = array(); $error_closed = 0; $doproc = true; // status variable for don't-process-content tags // just to make them a bit shorter... $max_taglen = $abbc_max_taglen; $smiley_starts = $abbc_smiley_starts; //============================ // voor de [leiding]-tag if ($abbc_cfg['show_for_leiding'] && $minimum && !$totext) { $leiding_pattern = '!\[leiding\](.*?)\[/leiding\]!is'; $leiding_replacement = ''; if( ! $gebruiker) { $leiding_replacement = ''; } else { if ($gebruiker->IsLeiding()) { $leiding_replacement = '[leiding]' . '\1' . '[/leiding]'; } else { $leiding_replacement = ''; } } $text = preg_replace($leiding_pattern, $leiding_replacement, $text); } // einde leiding-tag //=================================== $abbc_scan['len'] = strlen(preg_replace("/\[.*?\]/", "", $text)); $length = strlen($text); for ($pos = 0; $pos < strlen($text); $pos++) { if ($text{$pos} == "&" && $minimum && !$totext) { // don't change &#...; codes $n = 0; if ($text{$pos + 1} == '#') { $n = 2; $amp = 0; while (is_numeric($text{$pos + $n})) { $amp = $amp * 10 + intval($text{$pos + $n}); $n++; } if ($text{$pos + $n} == ';') { $pos += $n; } } if (!$n) { $text = substr($text, 0, $pos) . "&" . substr($text, $pos + 1); $pos += 4; } } elseif ($text{$pos} == "<" && $minimum && !$totext) { $text = substr($text, 0, $pos) . "<" . substr($text, $pos + 1); $pos += 3; } elseif ($text{$pos} == ">" && $minimum && !$totext) { $text = substr($text, 0, $pos) . ">" . substr($text, $pos + 1); $pos += 3; } elseif ($text{$pos} == "[" && $text{$pos - 1} == "\\" && $doproc && $minimum && !$totext) { $text = substr($text, 0, $pos - 1) . "[" . substr($text, $pos + 1); $pos -= 1; } elseif ($text{$pos} == "[" && $text{$pos - 1} != "\\" && $minimum) { $endpos = $pos + 1; while ($text{$endpos} != "]" && $text{$endpos} != "=" && $endpos - $pos - 1 <= $max_taglen) $endpos++; $thistag = substr($text, $pos + 1, $endpos - ($pos + 1)); if ($endpos - $pos - 1 > $max_taglen) { // we flew out of the search loop as there was no end in a reasonable distance // so this can't be a valid tag // Note: it's "-1" instead of "+1" because we have to include the "[" and ("=" or "]") in the counting if ($dbg) $dbg .= "no tag:$thistag
"; continue; } // now we have the tagname separated // find tag's end to jump to it when we're finished here... $stored_pos = $endpos; while ($text{$stored_pos} != "]" && $text{$stored_pos} != "\n") $stored_pos++; // if there was a new-line, this can't be a serious tag... let's just ignore it! if ($text{$stored_pos} == "\n") continue; // check for closing tag if ($thistag{0} == "/") { $closingtag = true; $thistag = substr($thistag, 1); // remove "/" if ($thistag == false) $thistag = ""; // we need a STRING for our tags index! } else { $closingtag = false; } // check for valid tagname if ($thistag == "" || abbc_valid_tagname($thistag)) { // if needed subset is not enabled, skip this tag if ($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & $abbc_tags[$thistag]['subset']) { if (!$closingtag && $doproc) { // current tag is OPENING if ($dbg) $dbg .= "pos:$pos, thistag:$thistag, tagstack:" . join("|", $abbc_tagstack) . ", text:" . t2h(trim(substr($text, 0, $pos) . "*" . substr($text, $pos))) . "
"; while ($text{$endpos} != "]" && $text{$endpos} != "\n") $endpos++; if ($text{$endpos} == "\n") { // oops, there was a new-line before the tag's end // so there must have been a syntax error // we'll ignore this "tag" for now continue; } // check whether it has a closing tag, too if ($abbc_tags[$thistag]['openclose']) { // we expect a closing tag so we just do some stack stuff this time... // check if it may be nested if ($abbc_tags[$thistag]['nested'] || $abbc_tags[$thistag]['level'] == 0) { // store current position and update tag's current nesting layer array_push($abbc_tags[$thistag]['start'], $pos); $abbc_tags[$thistag]['level']++; if ($dbg) $dbg .= "new level:" . $abbc_tags[$thistag]['level'] . "
"; // correct nesting check: put this tag on top of the "global" stack array_push($abbc_tagstack, $thistag); // check if we should process its content if (!$abbc_tags[$thistag]['proccont']) { // NO, save this to the status variable // we first continue processing any tags when a closing tag matched the topmost tagstack element, // that's when we found the closing tag to this one. $doproc = false; } } else { if ($dbg) $dbg .= "Warning: trying to nest a tag which isn't allowed to...
"; } } else { // this tag has no closing tag, so we have to process it NOW: $diff = abbc_expand_selection($text, $pos, $endpos); // this is the entire tag $entiretag = substr($text, $pos, $endpos - $pos + 1); // this is the actual replacement process $len_before = $endpos - $pos + 1; if ($dbg) $dbg .= t2h($entiretag) . " [len:" . strlen($entiretag) . ",$len_before]
"; $entiretag = abbc_reg_replace_tag($entiretag, $thistag, $totext); $len_after = strlen($entiretag) + $diff; if ($dbg) $dbg .= t2h($entiretag) . " [len:" . strlen($entiretag) . ",$len_after]
"; // update new cursor position and total length $stored_pos += $len_after - $len_before; // replace this tag by result of reg-exp replacement $text = substr_replace($text, $entiretag, $pos, $len_before); } } elseif ($closingtag) { // current tag is CLOSING if ($dbg) $dbg .= "closing:$thistag, level:" . $abbc_tags[$thistag]['level'] . "
"; // check if tag was opened at all if ($abbc_tags[$thistag]['level'] > 0) { $corr_tag = array_pop($abbc_tagstack); if ($dbg) $dbg .= "pos:$pos, thistag:/$thistag, tagstack:" . join("|", $abbc_tagstack) . ", text:" . t2h(trim(substr($text, 0, $pos) . "*" . substr($text, $pos))) . "
"; // correct nesting check: is this tag the next one to be closed? if ($thistag == $corr_tag) { // process entire tag area with reg-exps $startpos = array_pop($abbc_tags[$thistag]['start']); if ($dbg) $dbg .= "startpos:$startpos
"; $abbc_tags[$thistag]['level']--; $diff = abbc_expand_selection($text, $startpos, $endpos); // this is the entire tag w/ its contents $entiretag = substr($text, $startpos, $endpos - $startpos + 1); // this is the actual replacement process $len_before = $endpos - $startpos + 1; if ($dbg) $dbg .= t2h($entiretag) . " [len:" . strlen($entiretag) . ",$len_before]
"; $entiretag = abbc_reg_replace_tag($entiretag, $thistag, $totext); $len_after = strlen($entiretag) + $diff; if ($dbg) $dbg .= t2h($entiretag) . " [len:" . strlen($entiretag) . ",$len_after]
"; // update new cursor position and total length $stored_pos += $len_after - $len_before; // replace this tag by result of reg-exp replacement $text = substr_replace($text, $entiretag, $startpos, $len_before); // if we were in don't-process mode, switch back again $doproc = true; } elseif ($doproc && !$totext) { // NO, the tag that's to be closed wasn't opened on this level. // So we mark it as 'bad' and that's all. // The corresponding opening tag (if present) will remain opened and appear in // the remaining tagstack, where we can mark it afterwards. if ($dbg) $dbg .= "ERROR: $thistag is closed instead of $corr_tag at position $pos -- " . join("|", $abbc_tagstack) . "
"; // first, let's push the correct tag back onto the stack so that the correct closing tag // will be recognized! array_push($abbc_tagstack, $corr_tag); $error_closed++; // highlight incorrectly nested closing tag $text = substr_replace( $text, "" . substr($text, $pos, $endpos - $pos + 1) . "", $pos, $endpos - $pos + 1); $stored_pos += 23; // and we 'skip' some more characters now... } } elseif ($doproc && !$totext) { if ($dbg) $dbg .= "Warning: trying to close a tag ($thistag) with level 0...
"; // highlight incorrectly nested closing tag $text = substr_replace( $text, "" . substr($text, $pos, $endpos - $pos + 1) . "", $pos, $endpos - $pos + 1); $error_closed++; $stored_pos += 23; // and we 'skip' some more characters now... } } } // end: subset check } else { if ($dbg) $dbg .= "warning: $thistag is not a valid BBCode tag!
"; // don't skip over this, there may be data to process "inside" this "tag" $stored_pos = $pos; } // ok, we finished this tag, let's jump to its end end continue after it $pos = $stored_pos; if ($dbg) $dbg .= "finish -- pos:$pos, thistag:" . ($closingtag ? "/" : "") . "$thistag, tagstack:" . join("|", $abbc_tagstack) . ", text:" . t2h(trim(substr($text, 0, $pos) . "*" . substr($text, $pos))) . "

"; } elseif ($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_SMILEYS && $doproc && !$totext) { // could be a smiley? $could_be_smiley = strpos($smiley_starts, $text{$pos}); // not impossible -> we have to check them all if ($could_be_smiley !== false) { $smileytext = substr($text, $pos, $abbc_max_smileylen); for ($n = 0; $n < $abbc_smiley_count; $n++) { if (!strncmp($smileytext, $abbc_smileys[$n]['code'], $abbc_smileys[$n]['code_len'])) { // found a smiley -> translate it into an and leave the loop $smiley = $abbc_smileys[$n]; if ($dbg) $dbg .= "smiley! pos:$pos, code:" . $smiley['code'] . ", text:" . t2h(trim(substr($text, 0, $pos) . "*" . substr($text, $pos))) . "
\n"; $endpos = $pos + strlen($smiley['code']) - 1; $diff = abbc_expand_selection_smiley($text, $pos, $endpos, $wb); // this is the entire tag $entiretag = substr($text, $pos, $endpos - $pos + 1); // this is the actual replacement process $len_before = $endpos - $pos + 1; if ($dbg) $dbg .= t2h($entiretag) . " [len:" . strlen($entiretag) . ",$len_before]
\n"; $entiretag = abbc_reg_replace_smiley($entiretag, $n, $wb); $len_after = strlen($entiretag); if ($dbg) $dbg .= t2h($entiretag) . " [len:" . strlen($entiretag) . ",$len_after]
\n"; // replace this tag by result of reg-exp replacement $text = substr_replace($text, $entiretag, $pos, $len_before); // update new cursor position and total length $pos += $len_after - 1; if ($dbg) $dbg .= "smiley done -- pos:$pos, code:" . $smiley['code'] . ", text:" . t2h(trim(substr($text, 0, $pos) . "*" . substr($text, $pos))) . "

\n"; $abbc_scan['smile']++; $abbc_scan['len'] -= strlen($smiley['code']); break; } } } } } // This should be the same - having the $length counting ACTIVATED! // But it isn't. Don't know why... so I'm not using it any more #echo $length . "|" . strlen($text) . "
"; if ($check) return sizeof($abbc_tagstack) + $error_closed; if (sizeof($abbc_tagstack) && $minimum && !$totext) { if ($dbg) $dbg .= "remaining tagstack: " . join("|", $abbc_tagstack) . "
"; // highlight incorrectly closed, remaining opening tags while ($tag = array_pop($abbc_tagstack)) { $abbc_tags[$tag]['level']--; $startpos = array_pop($abbc_tags[$tag]['start']); $taglen = strpos($text, "]", $startpos) - $startpos + 1; $text = substr_replace( $text, "" . substr($text, $startpos, $taglen) . "", $startpos, $taglen); // Since we go through the tagstack from right to left, and elements were added to be the same // order as their appearance in $text, we don't change anything that would affect something after // it. So there's no need to adjust any following start positions of other tags :-) } } //-------------------------- // automatically make URLs clickable if ($abbc_cfg['find_urls'] && $minimum && !$totext) { $urlsym = '!#-&()+-;=?-Z^-z~'; $urlendsym = '#-&+\-\/-9=@-Z^-z~'; $nourlsym = '\t\r\n!(),.:;?\[\]<>\' '; $mailsym = '!#-&\-.0-9=A-Z_a-z'; // no '?' here! this causes trouble with '...?...' addresses. $mailendsym = '#-&\-A-Z_a-z'; $nomailsym = '\t\r\n!(),.;?\[\]<>\' '; $target = ''; if ($abbc_cfg['target'] != '') $target = " target='" . $abbc_cfg['target'] . "'"; // we have to do this TWICE because e.g. two links in one and the next line cannot share the SAME [$wb] character // the one for its end AND the other for its beginning... if we run two independant passes, this is no problem for ($n = 0; $n < 2; $n++) { if ($abbc_cfg['derefer'] != '') { $text = preg_replace("/([$nourlsym])((?:http(?:s?)|ftp):\/\/[$urlsym]+[$urlendsym])([$nourlsym])/ei", '"$1\x01a href=\x03$abbc_cfg[derefer]".urlencode(abbc_h2t("$2"))."\x03$target\x02$2\x01/a\x02$3"', $text); $text = preg_replace("/([$nourlsym])(www\.[$urlsym]+[$urlendsym])([$nourlsym])/ei", '"$1\x01a href=\x03$abbc_cfg[derefer]".urlencode(abbc_h2t("$2"))."\x03$target\x02$2\x01/a\x02$3"', $text); } else { $text = preg_replace("/([$nourlsym])((?:http(?:s?)|ftp):\/\/[$urlsym]+[$urlendsym])([$nourlsym])/i", "$1\x01a href=\x03$2\x03$target\x02$2\x01/a\x02$3", $text); $text = preg_replace("/([$nourlsym])(www\.[$urlsym]+[$urlendsym])([$nourlsym])/i", "$1\x01a href=\x03$2\x03$target\x02$2\x01/a\x02$3", $text); } $text = preg_replace("/([$nourlsym])(ftp\.[$urlsym]+[$urlendsym])([$nourlsym])/ei", '"$1\x01a href=\x03ftp://".abbc_h2t("$2")."\x03$target\x02$2\x01/a\x02$3"', $text); $text = preg_replace("/([$nomailsym](?:mailto:)?)([$mailsym]+?@[$mailsym]+?\.[$mailsym]+[$mailendsym])([$nomailsym])/i", "$1\x01a href=\x03mailto:$2\x03\x02$2\x01/a\x02$3", $text); } $text = str_replace("\x01", '<', $text); $text = str_replace("\x02", '>', $text); $text = str_replace("\x03", '"', $text); } if ($minimum && !$totext) $text = str_replace("\n", "
\n", $text); if (($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_SPECIAL) && ($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_LIST)) { $arr = explode("\n", $text); $arr2 = array(); $in_list = 0; // type of list we're inside foreach ($arr as $line) { if (substr($line, 0, 2) == "* ") { if ($in_list != 1) { if ($in_list == 2) $arr2[] = ""; if ($in_list == 3) $arr2[] = ""; $arr2[] = ""; if ($in_list == 3) $arr2[] = ""; $arr2[] = "
    "; $in_list = 2; } $arr2[] = "
  1. " . substr($line, 2) . "
  2. "; } elseif (substr($line, 0, 2) == "o ") { if ($in_list != 3) { if ($in_list == 1) $arr2[] = ""; if ($in_list == 2) $arr2[] = "
"; $arr2[] = ""; if ($in_list == 2) $arr2[] = ""; if ($in_list == 3) $arr2[] = ""; $in_list = 0; #if ($line != "
") $arr2[] = $line; $arr2[] = $line; } else { $arr2[] = $line; } } $text = join("\n", $arr2); } // remove the added \r's if they are still there if ($text{0} == "\r") $text = substr($text, 1); if ($text{strlen($text) - 1} == "\r") $text = substr($text, 0, strlen($text) - 1); if ($minimum && !$totext) { // these are the new-lines that shouldn't be changed into
$text = str_replace("\r", "\n", $text); // multiple spaces and tabs $text = str_replace("\t", " ", $text); $text = str_replace("\n ", "\n ", $text); $text = str_replace(" ", "  ", $text); $text = str_replace(" ", "  ", $text); $text = abbc_unmask_specials($text); } // paragraph translation if ($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_PARAGRAPH) { while (substr($text, strlen($text) - 5) == "
\n") $text = substr($text, 0, strlen($text) - 5); $text = str_replace("\n
", "\n\n

", $text); $text = str_replace("
", "
", $text); $text = str_replace("\n
", "\n
", $text); $text = str_replace("

", "
", $text); $text = str_replace("
", "\n
", $text); $text = "
\n" . $text . "
\n"; $text = str_replace("
", " 
", $text); // undo \n masking of [code] blocks $text = str_replace(" ", "
\n", $text); } if ($minimum && !$totext) { // multiple spaces and tabs - tidy up for img tags $text = str_replace(">  <", ">  <", $text); } if ($abbc_cfg['output_div'] && $minimum && !$totext) { $text = "
" . $text . "
"; } if ($dbg) echo "
" . $dbg . "

\r\n\r\n"; return $text; } // function abbc($text) function abbc_check($text) { return abbc_proc($text, true); } function abbc_begin_list($type) { switch ($type) { case "1": return "
    "; case "A": return "
      "; case "i": return "
        "; case "a": return "
          "; case "": return "
            "; case "o": return "
              "; case "+": return "
                "; default: return "
                  "; } } function abbc_end_list($type) { switch ($type) { case "1": case "A": case "i": case "a": return "
        "; case "": case "o": case "+": return ""; default: return ""; } } function abbc_mask_specials($text, $incode = false) { global $abbc_cfg, $abbc_special_done; // convert "php" into code-level 2, since we can't change the "=php" BBCode parameter into "2" from // within the reg-exp translation // Note: Default of "" is needed since if we took a default of 0, the parameter "php" would be recognized as 0!!! if ($incode === false) $incode = 0; elseif (!strcasecmp($incode, "php")) $incode = 2; elseif (!strcasecmp($incode, "c")) { // Syntax highlighting for C languages // This is still under construction! // Simple pattern matching is by far not a usable solution for this task. But it's better than nothing anyway. // operators $text = preg_replace('/(&|<|>|==|<=|>=|\+=|-=|\*=|\+|!|~|%|\^|\||=)/', '$1', $text); $text = preg_replace('/([^\/<*])(\*|\/)([^\/*])/', '$1$2$3', $text); $text = preg_replace('/([^\/])(\/=)/', '$1$2', $text); $text = preg_replace('/(-)(\D)/', '$1$2', $text); // keywords $text = preg_replace('/\b(and|break|bool|case|catch|char|class|const|continue|default|delete|do|double|enum|else|extends|extern|false|finally|float|for|goto|if|int|interface|long|new|operator|or|private|protected|public|register|return|short|signed|sizeof|static|struct|switch|this|throw|throws|true|try|typeof|union|unsigned|until|virtual|void|while|xor)\b/', '$1', $text); // numbers $text = preg_replace('/(\W)(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+|-?([0-9]*\.)?[0-9]+)/', '$1$2', $text); // brackets $text = preg_replace('/([()\[\]{}])/', '$1', $text); // strings $text = preg_replace('/((["\'])(\2|.*?[^\\\]\2))/es', '"".strip_tags(str_replace("\\\'","\'","$1")).""', $text); // comments $text = preg_replace('/(\/\/.*?\n|\/\*.*?\*\/)/es', '"".strip_tags(str_replace("\\\'","\'","$1")).""', $text); // preprocessor lines $text = preg_replace('/((\n|^)#(define|elif|else|endif|if|ifdef|ifndef|include|undef).*?\n)/e', '"".strip_tags(str_replace("\\\'","\'","$1")).""', $text); // set default text colour to black $text = '' . $text . ''; $incode = 1; // perform remaining transformations, as for PHP } elseif ($incode !== false) $incode = 1; // take any unknown descriptor for generic code if ($incode == 2) { // If there's still a (just ago) masked "$", it's getting embedded in some HTML tags and can't // be unmasked after the reg-exp replace (originally called from abbc_reg_replace_tag) completed! // So we have to unmask it here. $text = str_replace("$", "$", $text); $text = str_replace("<", "<", $text); $text = str_replace(">", ">", $text); $text = str_replace("&", "&", $text); $text = abbc_unmask_specials($text); $text = ""; ob_start(); highlight_string($text); $text = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // remove the PHP tags we added and some other stuff again $text = preg_replace("/^(]*>)[\r\n]*(]*>)<\?/i", "$1$2", $text); $text = preg_replace("/]*>\?><\/font>[\r\n]*(<\/font>)[\r\n]*<\/code>$/i", "$1", $text); $text = preg_replace("/\?>(<\/font>)[\r\n]*(<\/font>)[\r\n]*<\/code>$/i", "$1$2", $text); // and now, remove HTML tags again, we do this for ourselves! /*$text = str_replace("<", "<", $text); $text = str_replace(">", ">", $text); $text = str_replace("&", "&", $text);*/ // I think we don't need this //$text = abbc_mask_specials($text); } if (($incode >= 1) && ($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_PARAGRAPH)) { $text = str_replace("\n", " ", $text); } if ($incode >= 1) { $text = str_replace("#", "#", $text); // this may cause SPECIAL lists to be generated $text = str_replace("*", "*", $text); // this may cause SPECIAL lists to be generated } if (($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_SPECIAL) && !$abbc_special_done) { $text = str_replace("°", "°", $text); $text = str_replace("/", "/", $text); $text = str_replace("_", "_", $text); $text = str_replace("~", "~", $text); $text = str_replace("|", "|", $text); } $text = str_replace("[", "[", $text); $text = str_replace("]", "]", $text); return $text; } function abbc_unmask_specials($text) { $text = str_replace("°", "°", $text); $text = str_replace("/", "/", $text); $text = str_replace("_", "_", $text); $text = str_replace("~", "~", $text); $text = str_replace("|", "|", $text); $text = str_replace("[", "[", $text); $text = str_replace("]", "]", $text); $text = str_replace("#", "#", $text); $text = str_replace("*", "*", $text); return $text; } // Does the actual reg-exp replacement of an area containing only a single level of a BBCode tag // function abbc_reg_replace_tag($text, $tagname, $totext = false) { global $abbc_cfg, $abbc_tags, $abbc_scan; $openclose = $abbc_tags[$tagname]['openclose']; // prepare tagname for use in reg-exps $tagreg = str_replace("*", "\*", $tagname); $tagreg = str_replace(".", "\.", $tagreg); $tagreg = str_replace("?", "\?", $tagreg); // now the reg-exps for the bbcode parameters are formed // at the moment only 0 to 2 parameters are allowed // [This is relevant for the maximum parameter count. MAXPARAM] $params0 = ""; $params1 = "=([^\]]*)"; $params2 = "=([^\]:]*):([^\]]*)"; $params3 = "=([^\]:]*):([^\]:]*):([^\]]*)"; // case-sensitivity reg-exp modifier is set if ($abbc_tags[$tagname]['nocase']) $nocase = "i"; else $nocase = ""; $nocase .= "s"; // for PCRE_DOTALL // reg-exps for opening and closing tags are set // [This is relevant for the maximum parameter count. MAXPARAM] $regopen[0] = "\[$tagreg$params0\]"; $regopen[1] = "\[$tagreg$params1\]"; $regopen[2] = "\[$tagreg$params2\]"; $regopen[3] = "\[$tagreg$params3\]"; $regclose = $openclose ? "\[\/$tagreg\]" : ""; $between = $openclose ? "(.*)" : ""; // Note: instead of .* we could do the following: // ungreedy matching (.*?) and embed the entire reg-exp into ^...$ so that the entire string MUST be used. // this is for the case we have an (already marked) WRONG closing tag in a deeper level. of course, we can't // let this be used for premature end of our pattern! // But: this won't work when using abbc_expand_selection() which adds some spaces and new-lines around our tags... // remove new-lines around the tags where needed if ($abbc_tags[$tagname]['htmlblock']) { if ($openclose) { for ($n = $abbc_tags[$tagname]['maxparam']; $n >= $abbc_tags[$tagname]['minparam']; $n--) { $text = preg_replace("/($regopen[$n])[ \t]*?\n/$nocase", "$1", $text); // remove new-line after beginning of block } $text = preg_replace("/($regclose)[ \t]*?\n/$nocase", "$1", $text); // remove new-line after end of block } else { for ($n = $abbc_tags[$tagname]['maxparam']; $n >= $abbc_tags[$tagname]['minparam']; $n--) { $text = preg_replace("/\n[ \t]*?($regopen[$n])[ \t]*?\n/$nocase", "$1", $text); // remove new-line around block } } } // now we compose the actually used reg-exp and html translation for ($n = $abbc_tags[$tagname]['maxparam']; $n >= $abbc_tags[$tagname]['minparam']; $n--) { $mod = $nocase; // check for PHP code if (!$totext) { $htmlopen = $abbc_tags[$tagname]["htmlopen$n"]; if ($htmlopen != "" && $htmlopen{0} == "~") { $mod .= "e"; $htmlopen = substr($htmlopen, 1); } $html = $htmlopen . ($openclose ? $abbc_tags[$tagname]["htmlcont$n"] . $abbc_tags[$tagname]["htmlclose$n"] : ""); } else // totext { $html = $abbc_tags[$tagname]["textcont$n"]; if ($abbc_tags[$tagname]['htmlblock']) $html = "\n" . $html . "\n"; } $reg = "/^(\s*?)$regopen[$n]$between$regclose(\s*?)$/$mod"; if ($html != "") { // since we add a capturing parenthesis, we have to change all back-reference numbers // BUT only, if $html wasn't empty anyway, like for the [rem] tag // [This is relevant for the maximum parameter count. MAXPARAM] $html = str_replace("$4", "$5", $html); $html = str_replace("$3", "$4", $html); $html = str_replace("$2", "$3", $html); $html = str_replace("$1", "$2", $html); $maxref = 2; while (strpos($html, '$' . $maxref) !== false) $maxref++; if (strpos($mod, "e") === false) { // no PHP code, just add the $'s $html = "$1" . $html . "$" . $maxref; } else { // PHP code: put them in quotes $html = "\"$1\"." . $html . ".\"$" . $maxref . "\""; } $html .= $abbc_tags[$tagname]['htmlblock'] ? "\r" : ""; } // now it's time to actually perform the translation! // echo'ing a variable that contains $name would echo the contents of the php varialbe $name. that's pretty uncool $text = str_replace("$", "$", $text); $text = preg_replace($reg, $html, $text); $text = str_replace("$", "$", $text); } if ($tagname == 'img') $abbc_scan['img']++; return $text; } // Does the actual reg-exp replacement of an area containing a SMILEY // function abbc_reg_replace_smiley($text, $n, $wb = "") { global $abbc_cfg, $abbc_smileys; $codereg = $code = $abbc_smileys[$n]['code']; // prepare smiley code for use in reg-exps $codereg = str_replace("*", "\*", $codereg); $codereg = str_replace(".", "\.", $codereg); $codereg = str_replace("?", "\?", $codereg); $codereg = str_replace("(", "\(", $codereg); $codereg = str_replace(")", "\)", $codereg); $codereg = str_replace("/", "\/", $codereg); // case-sensitivity reg-exp modifier is set if ($abbc_smileys[$n]['nocase']) $nocase = "i"; else $nocase = ""; $nocase .= "s"; // for PCRE_DOTALL // if there is an alignment set for this smiley, then use it! $align = ($abbc_smileys[$n]['align'] != "") ? " align=" . $abbc_smileys[$n]['align'] : ""; // now we compose the actually used reg-exp and html translation if ($wb != "") $reg = "/^([$wb]+?)$codereg([$wb]+?)$/$nocase"; else $reg = "/^$codereg$/$nocase"; if ($abbc_smileys[$n]['img'] == '') $html = "$1$2"; elseif ($text != "") $html = "$1$2"; else // we can return the entire tag if there's no text to process (like for the smiley tag [:]) return ""; if (!($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_MINIMUM)) { // someone didn't want us to make html code but rather a bb-code smiley tag // so why not... $html = "$1[img]" . $abbc_cfg['smilepath'] . $abbc_smileys[$n]['img'] . "[/img]$2"; } // now it's time to actually perform the translation! // echo'ing a variable that contains $name would echo the contents of the php varialbe $name. that's pretty uncool $text = str_replace("$", "$", $text); $text = preg_replace($reg, $html, $text); $text = str_replace("$", "$", $text); return $text; } // Looks around a 'selected' [tag](...[/tag]) for (spaces and) NEW-LINES and expands the selection to include them // Expansion stops before first non-space && non-new-line char or after first new-line-char // For performance, strlen($text) can be given in $length, but that's optional // function abbc_expand_selection($text, &$startpos, &$endpos, $length = -1) { // go backward from the beginning on while ($startpos > 0 && ($text{$startpos - 1} == " " || $text{$startpos - 1} == "\t" || $text{$startpos - 1} == "\n")) $startpos--; // go forward from the end on if ($length == -1) $length = strlen($text); $end_diff = 0; while ($endpos < $length && ($text{$endpos + 1} == " " || $text{$endpos + 1} == "\t" || $text{$endpos + 1} == "\n")) { $endpos++; $end_diff++; } return $end_diff; } // Almost the same, but used for SMILEYS that may have some other charachters around them... // function abbc_expand_selection_smiley($text, &$startpos, &$endpos, $wb, $length = -1) { // there are some "\" that are necessary for reg-exps but mislead the strpos function! $wb2 = stripslashes($wb); // go backward from the beginning on while ($startpos > 0 && strpos($wb2, $text{$startpos - 1}) !== false) $startpos--; // go forward from the end on if ($length == -1) $length = strlen($text); $end_diff = 0; while ($endpos < $length - 1 && strpos($wb2, $text{$endpos + 1}) !== false) { $endpos++; $end_diff++; } return $end_diff; } function abbc_disp_smiley($smileytext) { global $abbc_smileys; global $abbc_smiley_count; for ($n = 0; $n < $abbc_smiley_count; $n++) { if (!strncmp($smileytext, $abbc_smileys[$n]['code'], $abbc_smileys[$n]['code_len'])) { // found a smiley -> translate it into an return abbc_reg_replace_smiley("", $n); } } // this doesn't seem to be a known smiley code -> just display it as-is return $smileytext; } // checks if given tagname exists in the tags array // takes care of 'nocase' configuration for each tag // function abbc_valid_tagname(&$tagname) { global $abbc_tags; if (array_key_exists($tagname, $abbc_tags)) return true; reset($abbc_tags); while (list ($key, $value) = each ($abbc_tags)) { #echo "case-checking for tagname '$tagname' against '$key'
        "; if ($abbc_tags[$key]['nocase'] && !strcasecmp($key, $tagname)) { // change tagname in the calling context so that we have the correct key for further access on this tag's data $tagname = $key; return true; } } return false; } // checks if given tagname exists on the tagstack // takes care of 'nocase' configuration for each tag // function abbc_on_tagstack($tagname) { global $abbc_tags, $abbc_tagstack; if (in_array($tagname, $abbc_tagstack)) return true; reset($abbc_tagstack); while (list ($key, $value) = each ($abbc_tagstack)) { if ($abbc_tags[$key]['nocase'] && !strcasecmp($key, $tagname)) { return true; } } return false; } function abbc_h2t($text) { // This function is taken from WMS/common.lib/h2t() $text = str_replace("&", "&", $text); $text = str_replace("<", "<", $text); $text = str_replace(">", ">", $text); $text = str_replace(""", "\"", $text); $text = str_replace(" ", " ", $text); // TODO: this one is subject to test... return $text; } function abbc_css() { global $abbc_cfg; $css = << html code. $prev_subsets = $abbc_cfg['subsets']; $abbc_cfg['subsets'] = ABBC_SMILEYS; $out = abbc_proc($in); // restore previous subsets $abbc_cfg['subsets'] = $prev_subsets; return $out; case 2: // convert smiley bb-code tags back into their friendly-code for re-editing by the user // this feature is not yet implemented return ""; } // nothing to do here return false; } } // ABBC_LIB ?> Van Parijs naar Beerse in 24 uur!

        Op zaterdag 18 april 2009 zullen er op het Kerkplein van Beerse tal van activiteiten plaatsvinden voor jong een oud. Dit alles in het kader van de sponsorfietstocht Parijs » Beerse.

        Een overzicht:

        Tussen 11.00u en 14.00u kan men inschrijven voor diverse fiets en wandeltochten.

        Na deze inspanningen kan men in de tent op het kerkplein genieten van een hapje en een drankje. Wie nog niet moe is kan o.a. deelnemen aan de koers op rollen en voor de kleinsten zal er o.a. een springkasteel voorzien worden.

        Tussen 18.00u en 20.00u worden de deelnemers van de tocht Parijs » Beerse op het kerkplein verwacht.

        Afsluiten doen we met een groots feest met o.a. een optreden van Peter en zijn botsauto's.

        Wij hopen u talrijk te mogen verwelkomen op dit evenement!