$value) { $abbc_tags[$key]['level'] = 0; $abbc_tags[$key]['start'] = array(); // get the longest tag and stop looking for a "=" or "]" after $max_taglen characters // add 1 for the ending tag's preceeding "/" if (strlen($key) + 1 > $abbc_max_taglen) $abbc_max_taglen = strlen($key) + 1; } // prepare smileys $abbc_smiley_starts = ""; $abbc_smiley_count = sizeof($abbc_smileys); for ($n = 0; $n < $abbc_smiley_count; $n++) { // get the first character of this smiley and store it, it it isn't already there $start = $abbc_smileys[$n]['code']{0}; if (strpos($abbc_smiley_starts, $start) === false) $abbc_smiley_starts .= $start; $abbc_smileys[$n]['code_len'] = strlen($abbc_smileys[$n]['code']); if ($abbc_smileys[$n]['code_len'] > $abbc_max_smileylen) $abbc_max_smileylen = $abbc_smileys[$n]['code_len']; } } abbc_init(); // this is used for debug output purposes. // if you don't use debug output, you can delete this function. // /*function t2h($text) { $text = str_replace("&", "&", $text); $text = str_replace("<", "<", $text); $text = str_replace(">", ">", $text); $text = str_replace("\n", "\\n", $text); $text = str_replace("\r", "\\r", $text); return $text; }*/ function abbc_proc($text, $gebruiker = false, $check = false, $totext = false) { // debug messages: to activate debug output, remove the comment right below $dbg = false; #$dbg = " "; // word border characters, only used for SPECIAL syntax and SMILEYs // I haven't checked whether it causes problems when changing this $wb = " \t.,!\(\)?+\-\n\r"; global $abbc_scan, $abbc_tagstack; global $abbc_tags, $abbc_smileys; global $abbc_smiley_count; global $abbc_max_taglen, $abbc_max_smileylen, $abbc_smiley_starts; // set custom colors for PHP syntax highlighting global $abbc_cfg; if ($abbc_cfg['use_custom_php']) { ini_set("highlight.comment", $abbc_cfg['php_comment']); ini_set("highlight.default", $abbc_cfg['php_default']); ini_set("highlight.html", $abbc_cfg['php_html']); ini_set("highlight.keyword", $abbc_cfg['php_keyword']); ini_set("highlight.string", $abbc_cfg['php_string']); } $minimum = ($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_MINIMUM); // ABBC_SPECIAL already done? global $abbc_special_done; $abbc_special_done = false; if ($minimum) $text = str_replace("\r", "", $text); // add a new-line at the beginning and ensure there's one at the end // some reg-exps need this to match the first character $text = "\r" . $text; if (substr($text, strlen($text) - 1) != "\r") $text .= "\r"; // simple formatting: italic, bold, underlined, striked if ($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_SPECIAL) { $text = str_replace("//", "//", $text); $text = str_replace("°°", "°*", $text); $text = str_replace("__", "__", $text); $text = str_replace("~~", "~~", $text); $text = preg_replace("/([$wb])\/([^*$wb]([^\/\n]|\/[^$wb])*[^*$wb])\/([$wb])/", "$1[i]$2[/i]$4", $text); $text = preg_replace("/([$wb])°([^$wb]([^°\n]|°[^$wb])*)°([$wb])/", "$1[b]$2[/b]$4", $text); $text = preg_replace("/([$wb])_([^$wb]([^_\n]|_[^$wb])*)_([$wb])/", "$1[u]$2[/u]$4", $text); $text = preg_replace("/([$wb])~([^$wb]([^~\n]|~[^$wb])*)~([$wb])/", "$1[s]$2[/s]$4", $text); $text = str_replace("~~", "~~", $text); $text = str_replace("__", "__", $text); $text = str_replace("°*", "°°", $text); $text = str_replace("//", "//", $text); $text = preg_replace("/\n[ \t]*----+[ \t]*\n/", "\n[line=#808080]\n", $text); $abbc_special_done = true; } // quoting blocks if (($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_SPECIAL) && ($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_QUOTE)) { #$text = str_replace("\"|\n", "\"|", $text); // remove new-line after end of quoting $text = preg_replace("/([$wb])\|\"/", "$1[quote]", $text); $text = preg_replace("/\"\|([$wb])/", "[/quote]$1", $text); } // 1ST PASS MAIN LOOP $abbc_tagstack = array(); $error_closed = 0; $doproc = true; // status variable for don't-process-content tags // just to make them a bit shorter... $max_taglen = $abbc_max_taglen; $smiley_starts = $abbc_smiley_starts; //============================ // voor de [leiding]-tag if ($abbc_cfg['show_for_leiding'] && $minimum && !$totext) { $leiding_pattern = '!\[leiding\](.*?)\[/leiding\]!is'; $leiding_replacement = ''; if( ! $gebruiker) { $leiding_replacement = ''; } else { if ($gebruiker->IsLeiding()) { $leiding_replacement = '[leiding]' . '\1' . '[/leiding]'; } else { $leiding_replacement = ''; } } $text = preg_replace($leiding_pattern, $leiding_replacement, $text); } // einde leiding-tag //=================================== $abbc_scan['len'] = strlen(preg_replace("/\[.*?\]/", "", $text)); $length = strlen($text); for ($pos = 0; $pos < strlen($text); $pos++) { if ($text{$pos} == "&" && $minimum && !$totext) { // don't change &#...; codes $n = 0; if ($text{$pos + 1} == '#') { $n = 2; $amp = 0; while (is_numeric($text{$pos + $n})) { $amp = $amp * 10 + intval($text{$pos + $n}); $n++; } if ($text{$pos + $n} == ';') { $pos += $n; } } if (!$n) { $text = substr($text, 0, $pos) . "&" . substr($text, $pos + 1); $pos += 4; } } elseif ($text{$pos} == "<" && $minimum && !$totext) { $text = substr($text, 0, $pos) . "<" . substr($text, $pos + 1); $pos += 3; } elseif ($text{$pos} == ">" && $minimum && !$totext) { $text = substr($text, 0, $pos) . ">" . substr($text, $pos + 1); $pos += 3; } elseif ($text{$pos} == "[" && $text{$pos - 1} == "\\" && $doproc && $minimum && !$totext) { $text = substr($text, 0, $pos - 1) . "[" . substr($text, $pos + 1); $pos -= 1; } elseif ($text{$pos} == "[" && $text{$pos - 1} != "\\" && $minimum) { $endpos = $pos + 1; while ($text{$endpos} != "]" && $text{$endpos} != "=" && $endpos - $pos - 1 <= $max_taglen) $endpos++; $thistag = substr($text, $pos + 1, $endpos - ($pos + 1)); if ($endpos - $pos - 1 > $max_taglen) { // we flew out of the search loop as there was no end in a reasonable distance // so this can't be a valid tag // Note: it's "-1" instead of "+1" because we have to include the "[" and ("=" or "]") in the counting if ($dbg) $dbg .= "no tag:$thistag
"; continue; } // now we have the tagname separated // find tag's end to jump to it when we're finished here... $stored_pos = $endpos; while ($text{$stored_pos} != "]" && $text{$stored_pos} != "\n") $stored_pos++; // if there was a new-line, this can't be a serious tag... let's just ignore it! if ($text{$stored_pos} == "\n") continue; // check for closing tag if ($thistag{0} == "/") { $closingtag = true; $thistag = substr($thistag, 1); // remove "/" if ($thistag == false) $thistag = ""; // we need a STRING for our tags index! } else { $closingtag = false; } // check for valid tagname if ($thistag == "" || abbc_valid_tagname($thistag)) { // if needed subset is not enabled, skip this tag if ($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & $abbc_tags[$thistag]['subset']) { if (!$closingtag && $doproc) { // current tag is OPENING if ($dbg) $dbg .= "pos:$pos, thistag:$thistag, tagstack:" . join("|", $abbc_tagstack) . ", text:" . t2h(trim(substr($text, 0, $pos) . "*" . substr($text, $pos))) . "
"; while ($text{$endpos} != "]" && $text{$endpos} != "\n") $endpos++; if ($text{$endpos} == "\n") { // oops, there was a new-line before the tag's end // so there must have been a syntax error // we'll ignore this "tag" for now continue; } // check whether it has a closing tag, too if ($abbc_tags[$thistag]['openclose']) { // we expect a closing tag so we just do some stack stuff this time... // check if it may be nested if ($abbc_tags[$thistag]['nested'] || $abbc_tags[$thistag]['level'] == 0) { // store current position and update tag's current nesting layer array_push($abbc_tags[$thistag]['start'], $pos); $abbc_tags[$thistag]['level']++; if ($dbg) $dbg .= "new level:" . $abbc_tags[$thistag]['level'] . "
"; // correct nesting check: put this tag on top of the "global" stack array_push($abbc_tagstack, $thistag); // check if we should process its content if (!$abbc_tags[$thistag]['proccont']) { // NO, save this to the status variable // we first continue processing any tags when a closing tag matched the topmost tagstack element, // that's when we found the closing tag to this one. $doproc = false; } } else { if ($dbg) $dbg .= "Warning: trying to nest a tag which isn't allowed to...
"; } } else { // this tag has no closing tag, so we have to process it NOW: $diff = abbc_expand_selection($text, $pos, $endpos); // this is the entire tag $entiretag = substr($text, $pos, $endpos - $pos + 1); // this is the actual replacement process $len_before = $endpos - $pos + 1; if ($dbg) $dbg .= t2h($entiretag) . " [len:" . strlen($entiretag) . ",$len_before]
"; $entiretag = abbc_reg_replace_tag($entiretag, $thistag, $totext); $len_after = strlen($entiretag) + $diff; if ($dbg) $dbg .= t2h($entiretag) . " [len:" . strlen($entiretag) . ",$len_after]
"; // update new cursor position and total length $stored_pos += $len_after - $len_before; // replace this tag by result of reg-exp replacement $text = substr_replace($text, $entiretag, $pos, $len_before); } } elseif ($closingtag) { // current tag is CLOSING if ($dbg) $dbg .= "closing:$thistag, level:" . $abbc_tags[$thistag]['level'] . "
"; // check if tag was opened at all if ($abbc_tags[$thistag]['level'] > 0) { $corr_tag = array_pop($abbc_tagstack); if ($dbg) $dbg .= "pos:$pos, thistag:/$thistag, tagstack:" . join("|", $abbc_tagstack) . ", text:" . t2h(trim(substr($text, 0, $pos) . "*" . substr($text, $pos))) . "
"; // correct nesting check: is this tag the next one to be closed? if ($thistag == $corr_tag) { // process entire tag area with reg-exps $startpos = array_pop($abbc_tags[$thistag]['start']); if ($dbg) $dbg .= "startpos:$startpos
"; $abbc_tags[$thistag]['level']--; $diff = abbc_expand_selection($text, $startpos, $endpos); // this is the entire tag w/ its contents $entiretag = substr($text, $startpos, $endpos - $startpos + 1); // this is the actual replacement process $len_before = $endpos - $startpos + 1; if ($dbg) $dbg .= t2h($entiretag) . " [len:" . strlen($entiretag) . ",$len_before]
"; $entiretag = abbc_reg_replace_tag($entiretag, $thistag, $totext); $len_after = strlen($entiretag) + $diff; if ($dbg) $dbg .= t2h($entiretag) . " [len:" . strlen($entiretag) . ",$len_after]
"; // update new cursor position and total length $stored_pos += $len_after - $len_before; // replace this tag by result of reg-exp replacement $text = substr_replace($text, $entiretag, $startpos, $len_before); // if we were in don't-process mode, switch back again $doproc = true; } elseif ($doproc && !$totext) { // NO, the tag that's to be closed wasn't opened on this level. // So we mark it as 'bad' and that's all. // The corresponding opening tag (if present) will remain opened and appear in // the remaining tagstack, where we can mark it afterwards. if ($dbg) $dbg .= "ERROR: $thistag is closed instead of $corr_tag at position $pos -- " . join("|", $abbc_tagstack) . "
"; // first, let's push the correct tag back onto the stack so that the correct closing tag // will be recognized! array_push($abbc_tagstack, $corr_tag); $error_closed++; // highlight incorrectly nested closing tag $text = substr_replace( $text, "" . substr($text, $pos, $endpos - $pos + 1) . "", $pos, $endpos - $pos + 1); $stored_pos += 23; // and we 'skip' some more characters now... } } elseif ($doproc && !$totext) { if ($dbg) $dbg .= "Warning: trying to close a tag ($thistag) with level 0...
"; // highlight incorrectly nested closing tag $text = substr_replace( $text, "" . substr($text, $pos, $endpos - $pos + 1) . "", $pos, $endpos - $pos + 1); $error_closed++; $stored_pos += 23; // and we 'skip' some more characters now... } } } // end: subset check } else { if ($dbg) $dbg .= "warning: $thistag is not a valid BBCode tag!
"; // don't skip over this, there may be data to process "inside" this "tag" $stored_pos = $pos; } // ok, we finished this tag, let's jump to its end end continue after it $pos = $stored_pos; if ($dbg) $dbg .= "finish -- pos:$pos, thistag:" . ($closingtag ? "/" : "") . "$thistag, tagstack:" . join("|", $abbc_tagstack) . ", text:" . t2h(trim(substr($text, 0, $pos) . "*" . substr($text, $pos))) . "

"; } elseif ($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_SMILEYS && $doproc && !$totext) { // could be a smiley? $could_be_smiley = strpos($smiley_starts, $text{$pos}); // not impossible -> we have to check them all if ($could_be_smiley !== false) { $smileytext = substr($text, $pos, $abbc_max_smileylen); for ($n = 0; $n < $abbc_smiley_count; $n++) { if (!strncmp($smileytext, $abbc_smileys[$n]['code'], $abbc_smileys[$n]['code_len'])) { // found a smiley -> translate it into an and leave the loop $smiley = $abbc_smileys[$n]; if ($dbg) $dbg .= "smiley! pos:$pos, code:" . $smiley['code'] . ", text:" . t2h(trim(substr($text, 0, $pos) . "*" . substr($text, $pos))) . "
\n"; $endpos = $pos + strlen($smiley['code']) - 1; $diff = abbc_expand_selection_smiley($text, $pos, $endpos, $wb); // this is the entire tag $entiretag = substr($text, $pos, $endpos - $pos + 1); // this is the actual replacement process $len_before = $endpos - $pos + 1; if ($dbg) $dbg .= t2h($entiretag) . " [len:" . strlen($entiretag) . ",$len_before]
\n"; $entiretag = abbc_reg_replace_smiley($entiretag, $n, $wb); $len_after = strlen($entiretag); if ($dbg) $dbg .= t2h($entiretag) . " [len:" . strlen($entiretag) . ",$len_after]
\n"; // replace this tag by result of reg-exp replacement $text = substr_replace($text, $entiretag, $pos, $len_before); // update new cursor position and total length $pos += $len_after - 1; if ($dbg) $dbg .= "smiley done -- pos:$pos, code:" . $smiley['code'] . ", text:" . t2h(trim(substr($text, 0, $pos) . "*" . substr($text, $pos))) . "

\n"; $abbc_scan['smile']++; $abbc_scan['len'] -= strlen($smiley['code']); break; } } } } } // This should be the same - having the $length counting ACTIVATED! // But it isn't. Don't know why... so I'm not using it any more #echo $length . "|" . strlen($text) . "
"; if ($check) return sizeof($abbc_tagstack) + $error_closed; if (sizeof($abbc_tagstack) && $minimum && !$totext) { if ($dbg) $dbg .= "remaining tagstack: " . join("|", $abbc_tagstack) . "
"; // highlight incorrectly closed, remaining opening tags while ($tag = array_pop($abbc_tagstack)) { $abbc_tags[$tag]['level']--; $startpos = array_pop($abbc_tags[$tag]['start']); $taglen = strpos($text, "]", $startpos) - $startpos + 1; $text = substr_replace( $text, "" . substr($text, $startpos, $taglen) . "", $startpos, $taglen); // Since we go through the tagstack from right to left, and elements were added to be the same // order as their appearance in $text, we don't change anything that would affect something after // it. So there's no need to adjust any following start positions of other tags :-) } } //-------------------------- // automatically make URLs clickable if ($abbc_cfg['find_urls'] && $minimum && !$totext) { $urlsym = '!#-&()+-;=?-Z^-z~'; $urlendsym = '#-&+\-\/-9=@-Z^-z~'; $nourlsym = '\t\r\n!(),.:;?\[\]<>\' '; $mailsym = '!#-&\-.0-9=A-Z_a-z'; // no '?' here! this causes trouble with '...?...' addresses. $mailendsym = '#-&\-A-Z_a-z'; $nomailsym = '\t\r\n!(),.;?\[\]<>\' '; $target = ''; if ($abbc_cfg['target'] != '') $target = " target='" . $abbc_cfg['target'] . "'"; // we have to do this TWICE because e.g. two links in one and the next line cannot share the SAME [$wb] character // the one for its end AND the other for its beginning... if we run two independant passes, this is no problem for ($n = 0; $n < 2; $n++) { if ($abbc_cfg['derefer'] != '') { $text = preg_replace("/([$nourlsym])((?:http(?:s?)|ftp):\/\/[$urlsym]+[$urlendsym])([$nourlsym])/ei", '"$1\x01a href=\x03$abbc_cfg[derefer]".urlencode(abbc_h2t("$2"))."\x03$target\x02$2\x01/a\x02$3"', $text); $text = preg_replace("/([$nourlsym])(www\.[$urlsym]+[$urlendsym])([$nourlsym])/ei", '"$1\x01a href=\x03$abbc_cfg[derefer]".urlencode(abbc_h2t("$2"))."\x03$target\x02$2\x01/a\x02$3"', $text); } else { $text = preg_replace("/([$nourlsym])((?:http(?:s?)|ftp):\/\/[$urlsym]+[$urlendsym])([$nourlsym])/i", "$1\x01a href=\x03$2\x03$target\x02$2\x01/a\x02$3", $text); $text = preg_replace("/([$nourlsym])(www\.[$urlsym]+[$urlendsym])([$nourlsym])/i", "$1\x01a href=\x03$2\x03$target\x02$2\x01/a\x02$3", $text); } $text = preg_replace("/([$nourlsym])(ftp\.[$urlsym]+[$urlendsym])([$nourlsym])/ei", '"$1\x01a href=\x03ftp://".abbc_h2t("$2")."\x03$target\x02$2\x01/a\x02$3"', $text); $text = preg_replace("/([$nomailsym](?:mailto:)?)([$mailsym]+?@[$mailsym]+?\.[$mailsym]+[$mailendsym])([$nomailsym])/i", "$1\x01a href=\x03mailto:$2\x03\x02$2\x01/a\x02$3", $text); } $text = str_replace("\x01", '<', $text); $text = str_replace("\x02", '>', $text); $text = str_replace("\x03", '"', $text); } if ($minimum && !$totext) $text = str_replace("\n", "
\n", $text); if (($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_SPECIAL) && ($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_LIST)) { $arr = explode("\n", $text); $arr2 = array(); $in_list = 0; // type of list we're inside foreach ($arr as $line) { if (substr($line, 0, 2) == "* ") { if ($in_list != 1) { if ($in_list == 2) $arr2[] = ""; if ($in_list == 3) $arr2[] = ""; $arr2[] = ""; if ($in_list == 3) $arr2[] = ""; $arr2[] = "
    "; $in_list = 2; } $arr2[] = "
  1. " . substr($line, 2) . "
  2. "; } elseif (substr($line, 0, 2) == "o ") { if ($in_list != 3) { if ($in_list == 1) $arr2[] = ""; if ($in_list == 2) $arr2[] = "
"; $arr2[] = ""; if ($in_list == 2) $arr2[] = ""; if ($in_list == 3) $arr2[] = ""; $in_list = 0; #if ($line != "
") $arr2[] = $line; $arr2[] = $line; } else { $arr2[] = $line; } } $text = join("\n", $arr2); } // remove the added \r's if they are still there if ($text{0} == "\r") $text = substr($text, 1); if ($text{strlen($text) - 1} == "\r") $text = substr($text, 0, strlen($text) - 1); if ($minimum && !$totext) { // these are the new-lines that shouldn't be changed into
$text = str_replace("\r", "\n", $text); // multiple spaces and tabs $text = str_replace("\t", " ", $text); $text = str_replace("\n ", "\n ", $text); $text = str_replace(" ", "  ", $text); $text = str_replace(" ", "  ", $text); $text = abbc_unmask_specials($text); } // paragraph translation if ($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_PARAGRAPH) { while (substr($text, strlen($text) - 5) == "
\n") $text = substr($text, 0, strlen($text) - 5); $text = str_replace("\n
", "\n\n

", $text); $text = str_replace("
", "
", $text); $text = str_replace("\n
", "\n
", $text); $text = str_replace("

", "
", $text); $text = str_replace("
", "\n
", $text); $text = "
\n" . $text . "
\n"; $text = str_replace("
", " 
", $text); // undo \n masking of [code] blocks $text = str_replace(" ", "
\n", $text); } if ($minimum && !$totext) { // multiple spaces and tabs - tidy up for img tags $text = str_replace(">  <", ">  <", $text); } if ($abbc_cfg['output_div'] && $minimum && !$totext) { $text = "
" . $text . "
"; } if ($dbg) echo "
" . $dbg . "

\r\n\r\n"; return $text; } // function abbc($text) function abbc_check($text) { return abbc_proc($text, true); } function abbc_begin_list($type) { switch ($type) { case "1": return "
    "; case "A": return "
      "; case "i": return "
        "; case "a": return "
          "; case "": return "
            "; case "o": return "
              "; case "+": return "
                "; default: return "
                  "; } } function abbc_end_list($type) { switch ($type) { case "1": case "A": case "i": case "a": return "
        "; case "": case "o": case "+": return ""; default: return ""; } } function abbc_mask_specials($text, $incode = false) { global $abbc_cfg, $abbc_special_done; // convert "php" into code-level 2, since we can't change the "=php" BBCode parameter into "2" from // within the reg-exp translation // Note: Default of "" is needed since if we took a default of 0, the parameter "php" would be recognized as 0!!! if ($incode === false) $incode = 0; elseif (!strcasecmp($incode, "php")) $incode = 2; elseif (!strcasecmp($incode, "c")) { // Syntax highlighting for C languages // This is still under construction! // Simple pattern matching is by far not a usable solution for this task. But it's better than nothing anyway. // operators $text = preg_replace('/(&|<|>|==|<=|>=|\+=|-=|\*=|\+|!|~|%|\^|\||=)/', '$1', $text); $text = preg_replace('/([^\/<*])(\*|\/)([^\/*])/', '$1$2$3', $text); $text = preg_replace('/([^\/])(\/=)/', '$1$2', $text); $text = preg_replace('/(-)(\D)/', '$1$2', $text); // keywords $text = preg_replace('/\b(and|break|bool|case|catch|char|class|const|continue|default|delete|do|double|enum|else|extends|extern|false|finally|float|for|goto|if|int|interface|long|new|operator|or|private|protected|public|register|return|short|signed|sizeof|static|struct|switch|this|throw|throws|true|try|typeof|union|unsigned|until|virtual|void|while|xor)\b/', '$1', $text); // numbers $text = preg_replace('/(\W)(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+|-?([0-9]*\.)?[0-9]+)/', '$1$2', $text); // brackets $text = preg_replace('/([()\[\]{}])/', '$1', $text); // strings $text = preg_replace('/((["\'])(\2|.*?[^\\\]\2))/es', '"".strip_tags(str_replace("\\\'","\'","$1")).""', $text); // comments $text = preg_replace('/(\/\/.*?\n|\/\*.*?\*\/)/es', '"".strip_tags(str_replace("\\\'","\'","$1")).""', $text); // preprocessor lines $text = preg_replace('/((\n|^)#(define|elif|else|endif|if|ifdef|ifndef|include|undef).*?\n)/e', '"".strip_tags(str_replace("\\\'","\'","$1")).""', $text); // set default text colour to black $text = '' . $text . ''; $incode = 1; // perform remaining transformations, as for PHP } elseif ($incode !== false) $incode = 1; // take any unknown descriptor for generic code if ($incode == 2) { // If there's still a (just ago) masked "$", it's getting embedded in some HTML tags and can't // be unmasked after the reg-exp replace (originally called from abbc_reg_replace_tag) completed! // So we have to unmask it here. $text = str_replace("$", "$", $text); $text = str_replace("<", "<", $text); $text = str_replace(">", ">", $text); $text = str_replace("&", "&", $text); $text = abbc_unmask_specials($text); $text = ""; ob_start(); highlight_string($text); $text = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // remove the PHP tags we added and some other stuff again $text = preg_replace("/^(]*>)[\r\n]*(]*>)<\?/i", "$1$2", $text); $text = preg_replace("/]*>\?><\/font>[\r\n]*(<\/font>)[\r\n]*<\/code>$/i", "$1", $text); $text = preg_replace("/\?>(<\/font>)[\r\n]*(<\/font>)[\r\n]*<\/code>$/i", "$1$2", $text); // and now, remove HTML tags again, we do this for ourselves! /*$text = str_replace("<", "<", $text); $text = str_replace(">", ">", $text); $text = str_replace("&", "&", $text);*/ // I think we don't need this //$text = abbc_mask_specials($text); } if (($incode >= 1) && ($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_PARAGRAPH)) { $text = str_replace("\n", " ", $text); } if ($incode >= 1) { $text = str_replace("#", "#", $text); // this may cause SPECIAL lists to be generated $text = str_replace("*", "*", $text); // this may cause SPECIAL lists to be generated } if (($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_SPECIAL) && !$abbc_special_done) { $text = str_replace("°", "°", $text); $text = str_replace("/", "/", $text); $text = str_replace("_", "_", $text); $text = str_replace("~", "~", $text); $text = str_replace("|", "|", $text); } $text = str_replace("[", "[", $text); $text = str_replace("]", "]", $text); return $text; } function abbc_unmask_specials($text) { $text = str_replace("°", "°", $text); $text = str_replace("/", "/", $text); $text = str_replace("_", "_", $text); $text = str_replace("~", "~", $text); $text = str_replace("|", "|", $text); $text = str_replace("[", "[", $text); $text = str_replace("]", "]", $text); $text = str_replace("#", "#", $text); $text = str_replace("*", "*", $text); return $text; } // Does the actual reg-exp replacement of an area containing only a single level of a BBCode tag // function abbc_reg_replace_tag($text, $tagname, $totext = false) { global $abbc_cfg, $abbc_tags, $abbc_scan; $openclose = $abbc_tags[$tagname]['openclose']; // prepare tagname for use in reg-exps $tagreg = str_replace("*", "\*", $tagname); $tagreg = str_replace(".", "\.", $tagreg); $tagreg = str_replace("?", "\?", $tagreg); // now the reg-exps for the bbcode parameters are formed // at the moment only 0 to 2 parameters are allowed // [This is relevant for the maximum parameter count. MAXPARAM] $params0 = ""; $params1 = "=([^\]]*)"; $params2 = "=([^\]:]*):([^\]]*)"; $params3 = "=([^\]:]*):([^\]:]*):([^\]]*)"; // case-sensitivity reg-exp modifier is set if ($abbc_tags[$tagname]['nocase']) $nocase = "i"; else $nocase = ""; $nocase .= "s"; // for PCRE_DOTALL // reg-exps for opening and closing tags are set // [This is relevant for the maximum parameter count. MAXPARAM] $regopen[0] = "\[$tagreg$params0\]"; $regopen[1] = "\[$tagreg$params1\]"; $regopen[2] = "\[$tagreg$params2\]"; $regopen[3] = "\[$tagreg$params3\]"; $regclose = $openclose ? "\[\/$tagreg\]" : ""; $between = $openclose ? "(.*)" : ""; // Note: instead of .* we could do the following: // ungreedy matching (.*?) and embed the entire reg-exp into ^...$ so that the entire string MUST be used. // this is for the case we have an (already marked) WRONG closing tag in a deeper level. of course, we can't // let this be used for premature end of our pattern! // But: this won't work when using abbc_expand_selection() which adds some spaces and new-lines around our tags... // remove new-lines around the tags where needed if ($abbc_tags[$tagname]['htmlblock']) { if ($openclose) { for ($n = $abbc_tags[$tagname]['maxparam']; $n >= $abbc_tags[$tagname]['minparam']; $n--) { $text = preg_replace("/($regopen[$n])[ \t]*?\n/$nocase", "$1", $text); // remove new-line after beginning of block } $text = preg_replace("/($regclose)[ \t]*?\n/$nocase", "$1", $text); // remove new-line after end of block } else { for ($n = $abbc_tags[$tagname]['maxparam']; $n >= $abbc_tags[$tagname]['minparam']; $n--) { $text = preg_replace("/\n[ \t]*?($regopen[$n])[ \t]*?\n/$nocase", "$1", $text); // remove new-line around block } } } // now we compose the actually used reg-exp and html translation for ($n = $abbc_tags[$tagname]['maxparam']; $n >= $abbc_tags[$tagname]['minparam']; $n--) { $mod = $nocase; // check for PHP code if (!$totext) { $htmlopen = $abbc_tags[$tagname]["htmlopen$n"]; if ($htmlopen != "" && $htmlopen{0} == "~") { $mod .= "e"; $htmlopen = substr($htmlopen, 1); } $html = $htmlopen . ($openclose ? $abbc_tags[$tagname]["htmlcont$n"] . $abbc_tags[$tagname]["htmlclose$n"] : ""); } else // totext { $html = $abbc_tags[$tagname]["textcont$n"]; if ($abbc_tags[$tagname]['htmlblock']) $html = "\n" . $html . "\n"; } $reg = "/^(\s*?)$regopen[$n]$between$regclose(\s*?)$/$mod"; if ($html != "") { // since we add a capturing parenthesis, we have to change all back-reference numbers // BUT only, if $html wasn't empty anyway, like for the [rem] tag // [This is relevant for the maximum parameter count. MAXPARAM] $html = str_replace("$4", "$5", $html); $html = str_replace("$3", "$4", $html); $html = str_replace("$2", "$3", $html); $html = str_replace("$1", "$2", $html); $maxref = 2; while (strpos($html, '$' . $maxref) !== false) $maxref++; if (strpos($mod, "e") === false) { // no PHP code, just add the $'s $html = "$1" . $html . "$" . $maxref; } else { // PHP code: put them in quotes $html = "\"$1\"." . $html . ".\"$" . $maxref . "\""; } $html .= $abbc_tags[$tagname]['htmlblock'] ? "\r" : ""; } // now it's time to actually perform the translation! // echo'ing a variable that contains $name would echo the contents of the php varialbe $name. that's pretty uncool $text = str_replace("$", "$", $text); $text = preg_replace($reg, $html, $text); $text = str_replace("$", "$", $text); } if ($tagname == 'img') $abbc_scan['img']++; return $text; } // Does the actual reg-exp replacement of an area containing a SMILEY // function abbc_reg_replace_smiley($text, $n, $wb = "") { global $abbc_cfg, $abbc_smileys; $codereg = $code = $abbc_smileys[$n]['code']; // prepare smiley code for use in reg-exps $codereg = str_replace("*", "\*", $codereg); $codereg = str_replace(".", "\.", $codereg); $codereg = str_replace("?", "\?", $codereg); $codereg = str_replace("(", "\(", $codereg); $codereg = str_replace(")", "\)", $codereg); $codereg = str_replace("/", "\/", $codereg); // case-sensitivity reg-exp modifier is set if ($abbc_smileys[$n]['nocase']) $nocase = "i"; else $nocase = ""; $nocase .= "s"; // for PCRE_DOTALL // if there is an alignment set for this smiley, then use it! $align = ($abbc_smileys[$n]['align'] != "") ? " align=" . $abbc_smileys[$n]['align'] : ""; // now we compose the actually used reg-exp and html translation if ($wb != "") $reg = "/^([$wb]+?)$codereg([$wb]+?)$/$nocase"; else $reg = "/^$codereg$/$nocase"; if ($abbc_smileys[$n]['img'] == '') $html = "$1$2"; elseif ($text != "") $html = "$1$2"; else // we can return the entire tag if there's no text to process (like for the smiley tag [:]) return ""; if (!($abbc_cfg['subsets'] & ABBC_MINIMUM)) { // someone didn't want us to make html code but rather a bb-code smiley tag // so why not... $html = "$1[img]" . $abbc_cfg['smilepath'] . $abbc_smileys[$n]['img'] . "[/img]$2"; } // now it's time to actually perform the translation! // echo'ing a variable that contains $name would echo the contents of the php varialbe $name. that's pretty uncool $text = str_replace("$", "$", $text); $text = preg_replace($reg, $html, $text); $text = str_replace("$", "$", $text); return $text; } // Looks around a 'selected' [tag](...[/tag]) for (spaces and) NEW-LINES and expands the selection to include them // Expansion stops before first non-space && non-new-line char or after first new-line-char // For performance, strlen($text) can be given in $length, but that's optional // function abbc_expand_selection($text, &$startpos, &$endpos, $length = -1) { // go backward from the beginning on while ($startpos > 0 && ($text{$startpos - 1} == " " || $text{$startpos - 1} == "\t" || $text{$startpos - 1} == "\n")) $startpos--; // go forward from the end on if ($length == -1) $length = strlen($text); $end_diff = 0; while ($endpos < $length && ($text{$endpos + 1} == " " || $text{$endpos + 1} == "\t" || $text{$endpos + 1} == "\n")) { $endpos++; $end_diff++; } return $end_diff; } // Almost the same, but used for SMILEYS that may have some other charachters around them... // function abbc_expand_selection_smiley($text, &$startpos, &$endpos, $wb, $length = -1) { // there are some "\" that are necessary for reg-exps but mislead the strpos function! $wb2 = stripslashes($wb); // go backward from the beginning on while ($startpos > 0 && strpos($wb2, $text{$startpos - 1}) !== false) $startpos--; // go forward from the end on if ($length == -1) $length = strlen($text); $end_diff = 0; while ($endpos < $length - 1 && strpos($wb2, $text{$endpos + 1}) !== false) { $endpos++; $end_diff++; } return $end_diff; } function abbc_disp_smiley($smileytext) { global $abbc_smileys; global $abbc_smiley_count; for ($n = 0; $n < $abbc_smiley_count; $n++) { if (!strncmp($smileytext, $abbc_smileys[$n]['code'], $abbc_smileys[$n]['code_len'])) { // found a smiley -> translate it into an return abbc_reg_replace_smiley("", $n); } } // this doesn't seem to be a known smiley code -> just display it as-is return $smileytext; } // checks if given tagname exists in the tags array // takes care of 'nocase' configuration for each tag // function abbc_valid_tagname(&$tagname) { global $abbc_tags; if (array_key_exists($tagname, $abbc_tags)) return true; reset($abbc_tags); while (list ($key, $value) = each ($abbc_tags)) { #echo "case-checking for tagname '$tagname' against '$key'
        "; if ($abbc_tags[$key]['nocase'] && !strcasecmp($key, $tagname)) { // change tagname in the calling context so that we have the correct key for further access on this tag's data $tagname = $key; return true; } } return false; } // checks if given tagname exists on the tagstack // takes care of 'nocase' configuration for each tag // function abbc_on_tagstack($tagname) { global $abbc_tags, $abbc_tagstack; if (in_array($tagname, $abbc_tagstack)) return true; reset($abbc_tagstack); while (list ($key, $value) = each ($abbc_tagstack)) { if ($abbc_tags[$key]['nocase'] && !strcasecmp($key, $tagname)) { return true; } } return false; } function abbc_h2t($text) { // This function is taken from WMS/common.lib/h2t() $text = str_replace("&", "&", $text); $text = str_replace("<", "<", $text); $text = str_replace(">", ">", $text); $text = str_replace(""", "\"", $text); $text = str_replace(" ", " ", $text); // TODO: this one is subject to test... return $text; } function abbc_css() { global $abbc_cfg; $css = << html code. $prev_subsets = $abbc_cfg['subsets']; $abbc_cfg['subsets'] = ABBC_SMILEYS; $out = abbc_proc($in); // restore previous subsets $abbc_cfg['subsets'] = $prev_subsets; return $out; case 2: // convert smiley bb-code tags back into their friendly-code for re-editing by the user // this feature is not yet implemented return ""; } // nothing to do here return false; } } // ABBC_LIB ?> Van Parijs naar Beerse in 24 uur!
        connect(); $res = mysql_query($sql); $aantal = mysql_num_rows($res); mysql_close(); return $aantal; } # Functie de mysql_fetch_array teruggeeft function get_array($sql) { $this->connect(); $res = mysql_query($sql); $row = array(); while($data = mysql_fetch_array($res)) $row[] = $data; mysql_close(); return $row; } # Zelfde als hierboven maar dan 1 row function get_single($sql) { $this->connect(); $res = mysql_query($sql); $data = mysql_fetch_array($res); mysql_close(); return $data; } #Zelfde als hierboven maar dan 1 kolom van 1 row function get_single_value($sql) { $this->connect(); $res = mysql_query($sql); $data = mysql_fetch_array($res); mysql_close(); return $data[0]; } # Functie die een normale query runt function execute($sql) { $this->connect(); $res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_close(); return $res; } # Functie die de database connectie maakt function connect() { return mysql_select_db($this->name, mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass)) or die(mysql_error());; } function MaakTekstVoorDataBase($tekst) { $tekst = str_replace( "'", "\'" , $tekst); $tekst = str_replace( '"', '\"' , $tekst); return $tekst; } } ?>